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State Delegate Duties & Responsibilities

Congratulations on being elected a State Delegate! Your willingness to participate in the Party and the political process is greatly appreciated. This sheet will provide a few details about the responsibilities of your new position.

First, remember that each State Delegate must be a registered Republican. To be seated, the Utah Republican Party must have on file your name, telephone number, mailing address, and email address.

The name you use should be the exact legal name you use to register to vote. Be aware that as a State Delegate you will periodically receive important communications from the UTGOP, Elected Officials and GOP Candidates, so accurate contact information is essential.

Terms of Service

The term of service for all delegates is two years. Should you move or change addresses during that time, please inform your County Chair.

State Nominating Convention

In the near future, your first major responsibility will be to attend and participate in the Utah Republican Party State Convention. You can find details about the convention on our calendar. The official Call to Convention with credentials and instructions will be mailed to you.

At the convention, state delegates, by casting ballots, will choose the Party’s nominees for elected office. The offices you will be voting for include U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. Some of you will also be voting in multi-county State Legislative races.

It is your responsibility to educate yourself about all the candidates. Expect to receive mailings, phone calls, invitations, emails, etc. from them during their campaign. Please read the material they will send to you, and attend “Meet the Candidate” events and other opportunities to listen to and become acquainted with them.

At the convention you will also have the chance to debate and vote on any changes to the State Party Constitution, Bylaws, Platform, Rules of the Convention, and possibly Resolutions.

State Organizing Convention

Please plan on attending the State Organizing Convention next year where State Party Officers will be selected by the State Delegates. If you are unable to attend this convention, please contact your county party leadership early enough to have a person from your precinct selected to replace you.



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