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Assured Election Proposal1 min read

After thousands of missing ballots for the 2022 midterm election in Iron County, County Central Committee member Richard Genck sponsored the following resolution:

“Whereas, in the year 2020, The Utah State Legislature passed HB 36 titled “Election Amendments,” which eliminated an election officer’s discretion to administer an election in any manner other than primarily by mail; and

“Whereas, in the years 2021 and 2022, general elections in Iron County experienced ballot mailing delays due to our reliance on third party vendors, which potentially disenfranchised voters; therefore

“Be it Resolved, that in the interest of maintaining local control of the election process, protecting the rights of the voter, and providing for complete transparency, the Iron County Republican Party supports a change to Utah Code section 20A-3a-202(1)(a) restoring the discretion of election officers to administer elections primarily by mail or in-person as local needs demand.”

Richard Genck, who servers as the County Party Secretary, pointed out in his speech that the sponsor of HB 36 deceived fellow lawmakers in calling it a “cleanup bill, with only slight technical changes” then included language that radically changed state law requiring universal mail-in balloting statewide (line 1745).

He began his statements saying, “this is not about the merits or concerns of mail-in voting, in-person voting, voter ID laws, or cleaning up the polls. This resolution is about the people’s right to choose how we vote, so voters can have confidence in the election process.” Criticism of the resolution included assertions that we can currently vote in person if we wish. After some discussion, Mr. Genck ended saying, “Freedom is the flexibility to overcome challenges as they arise. I encourage you all to vote for the freedom and flexibility to overcome the challenges Iron County and Utah may face in the future.”

The resolution passed 44 to 26.

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