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Voter Roll Cleanup Training1 min read

Election security is one of the most important issues facing our nation, and we want to act to improve election integrity in Iron County.

For this purpose, the Iron County Republican Party is creating a Voter Roll Cleanup Committee to assist the County Clerk in improving the accuracy of our voter registration roll.

Saturday, Feb 4th, at 9 am at the Cedar City Library, we will be holding a training on how to clean up the voter rolls. This is something anyone can help with, as long as they follow the proper procedure in notifying the County Clerk’s office. We believe the precinct leaders are in the best position to lead the charge in their precincts, relying upon their state delegates and county delegates as well as other patriots in their precinct, to make this a doable task for us all.

Anyone interested in assisting in the effort should contact their precinct leaders, which you can find here:

Contact us if you have any questions.


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