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Iron County GOP Opposes Repeated Tax Hikes from School Board2 min read

As Iron County Republican voters, you may be asked why you vote against perpetually increasing property taxes. The Iron County Executive Committee has listed a few reasons to support your position:

Background on ICSD’s Budget and Spending

The ICSD has a history of voting to increase taxes approximately every two years. Despite this, the majority of voters, including Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, opposed the construction of a new elementary school in both 2018 and 2022. These concerns should be given more focus than simply labeling them as “sharp criticisms from a few.”

For the 2024 fiscal year, the ICSD has approved a budget of $200 million to serve 10,000 students. This equates to an astonishing $20,000 per student or $500,000 per classroom annually. Given these figures, it seems not only reasonable but necessary to ask questions about the district’s spending and fiscal discipline. Unfortunately, this information is not readily available or openly discussed by the school board, leaving many citizens unaware of how their tax dollars are being utilized.

The Impact of Local Charter Schools

It’s also worth noting that one charter school is opening this year at no additional cost to Iron County taxpayers, with a second charter school already approved to open within the next 2-3 years—also at no additional cost to local taxpayers. These schools will likely result in a decline of 500+ elementary school students within the ICSD, even after accounting for homeschooled children who may choose to enroll in these charter schools.

Concerns About Growth and Transparency

According to the ICSD, over 95% of the district’s growth is attributed to online enrollment, where students never actually enter a school district building. This is due to a legislative change that now requires online school providers to enroll their students in their local district. Additionally, growth in elementary school enrollment within the district has flatlined. Greater transparency on these issues is crucial, especially when considering the need for a new school and the associated tax increase.

The Importance of Conservative Leadership

It is critical that we elect conservative leaders who understand that increasing government spending, taxes, and debt can harm our communities. This trend, if left unchecked, could lead us down a path toward greater government control and socialist indoctrination in our educational systems—an outcome that is inconsistent with the conservative values of Iron County residents.

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